Youth Development
Equipping youth with skills and opportunities to shape a brighter future.
Hindustan Power focuses strongly on the holistic development of youth in all its interventions.
Project yUDAI (Youth Development and Action Initiative) is focused on channelizing the adolescents/youths to be progressive, productive and proactive citizens.
The project equips adolescents with the life skills in a year-long nurturing process which help them to effectively deal with the behavioural difficulties and growing up stress situations. Furthermore, to identify, train, mentor and form a group of Peer Leaders ultimately transform them into proactive Change Leaders of the society.
Impact Stories
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Cartoon and Comic training
- In yUDAI program (Under Youth development initiative) rolled out by Hindustan Power CSR
If a picture worths a thousand word, draw picture and save a thousand words, a popular lyrics can be applied to cartoon as well. Cartoons are an important part in any newspaper and are strong means of communication. A cartoon conveys a lot of information with no words or in very few words. However to create a meaningful cartoon it requires skill. Skill is required for drawing cartoon and comic creation. Story telling however becomes an important aspect when it comes to creating some comics. Message/information in the cartoon/comics is thoughtfully put in by creators.
In yUDAI program (Under Youth development initiative) rolled out by Hindustan Power CSR in Anuppur, MP, adolescent are being trained in different life skills and after learning the skill they are motivated to bring some positive changes in the society they live in. CSR team in the time of Covid-19 pandemic gave an opportunity to 20 adolescents from 5 villages to learn something exciting and equip them with cartoon and comic tool for communicating the social issues they observe in the society.
The total 6hrs during 3 days online training was provided by Ms. Reena (external resource) from New Delhi. The CSR team divided 20 participants into 4 subgroups as per their villages and provided necessary support to organize the online training. The outcome has been great as the young participants created nice stories and then used them for awareness at their village level too